Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition

P-ISSN: 2707-7012, E-ISSN: 2707-7020
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2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part B | Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Effect of plyometric training for development of agility among hockey players of Hyderabad district in Telangana state
Dr. G Akhila and Rajesh Kumar
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 82-83
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 91 KB  |  Views: 1933   Downloads: 1094
Effect of foam rolling on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) with pain scores and power performance in varsity rugby players
Muhamad Sadeeq Mustafa, Eliza Hafiz, Lim Boon Hooi, Sri Sumartiningsih and Rajesh Kumar
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 84-88
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Malaysia  |  File Size: 164 KB  |  Views: 1463   Downloads: 609
Effect of Yogic exercises on selected Psychological variables of female students in Physical Education
Nahid Akhtar
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 93-95
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 151 KB  |  Views: 1383   Downloads: 738
Influence of Mallakhamb exercises on selected motor ability components and physiological variables among Physical Education College men
Dr. R Senthilkumaran and Dr. S Saroja
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 96-99
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 147 KB  |  Views: 1147   Downloads: 417
Investigation of philosophical perspectives on sports education
Dr. Amit Arjun Budhe
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 100-103
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 98 KB  |  Views: 1389   Downloads: 732
A correlational study on hockey skill test with the performance of yo – yo intermittent recovery test of east and north zone of India
Ranjana Prasad and Dr. Mahesh Sawata Khetmalis
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 104-105
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 121 KB  |  Views: 1252   Downloads: 553
Relationship analysis and effect of selected yoga asana training on mental health and endurance of female college students
Dr. Hoshiyar Singh
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 106-110
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 110 KB  |  Views: 1268   Downloads: 678
Association between physical fitness and BMI among school going male children
Rajdeep Das, Dr. Birendra Jhajharia and Bulti Roy
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 111-114
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 130 KB  |  Views: 1097   Downloads: 426
An assessment study of agility among basketball and volleyball players of Nagpur district
Dr. Hitesh D Rathod
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 115-117
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 84 KB  |  Views: 832   Downloads: 222
The Effect of an instructional approach by interfering with the random variable exercise of the non-preferred arm on the students’ learning of the stroke and the peaceful scoring of the preferred arm of the students
Dr. Omar Abdul Ghafoor Abdul Hafedh
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 118-123
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: Iraq  |  File Size: 166 KB  |  Views: 1180   Downloads: 584
Utilization of sports facilities in public and private sector schools of Rajasthan: A comparative exploration between students and teachers’ viewpoint
Dr. Sandeep Singh
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 124-127
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 147 KB  |  Views: 1166   Downloads: 662
Effect of 8 weeks kapalbhati intervention on rhythm ability of senior cricket players
Dr. Ajay Kumar Dandotiya
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 128-131
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 117 KB  |  Views: 716   Downloads: 284
A comparative study of home environment on male and female state level handball players
Dr. Rammehar
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 136-137
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 71 KB  |  Views: 595   Downloads: 177
Enhancement of performance through sports medicine
Dr. Sunil Dabas
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 138-140
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 112 KB  |  Views: 616   Downloads: 218
Recreational sports in mental health promotion
Habeebu Rehman KP, Capt Shukkoor Illath, Sanith NV and Shinu Patinhara Malammal
J. Sports Sci. Nutr., 2021; 2(1): 141-144
Abstract  |  Download  |  Country: India  |  File Size: 434 KB  |  Views: 116   Downloads: 73
Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition

Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition

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