Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition

P-ISSN: 2707-7012, E-ISSN: 2707-7020
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Formulation of immunity boosting instant soup premix and its anti-microbial & phytochemical analysis

Formulation of immunity boosting instant soup premix and its anti-microbial & phytochemical analysis

Author(s): Swarnima Pandey and Sunita Mishra

Abstract: The immune system is among the most developed in nature. It is composed of diverse cell and protein types that have different defense roles against encroaching things. Other quality attributes, storage stability, and product cost estimation were evaluated, along with the standardisation of the best composition for producing an instant soup mix that promotes immunity. Due to their low toxicity and affordability, the use of medicinal plants for their potential to strengthen the immune system has recently been chosen over pharmaceutical medications. Traditional health practitioners (THPs) from the Vaal Region, South Africa, created a herbal immunity booster for the improvement of immune health. The objective of this study is to assess the phytochemicals and mineral components in this formulation for immune support. Alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, and saponins were found in the immune booster's formulation, but steroids, tannins, and glycosides were not present, according to the phytochemicals screening. In addition to various public health initiatives put in place to avoid infection, we can boost our immunity with natural products. The present study was designed to evaluate phytochemical analysis and microbiological analysis of immunity booster premix soup and to provide a brief knowledge association with health benefits of immunity booster soup.

DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2024.v5.i2b.282

Pages: 115-121 | Views: 158 | Downloads: 43

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Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition
How to cite this article:
Swarnima Pandey, Sunita Mishra. Formulation of immunity boosting instant soup premix and its anti-microbial & phytochemical analysis. J Sports Sci Nutr 2024;5(2):115-121. DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2024.v5.i2b.282
Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition

Journal of Sports Science and Nutrition

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