Effect of plyometrics exercises on cardio-vascular efficiency and playing ability of badminton players
Effect of plyometrics exercises on cardio-vascular efficiency and playing ability of badminton players
Author(s): Dr. Anis Ahmed Khan
Abstract: Plometric training is a series of explosive body weight resistance exercise using the Stretch-shortening cycle of the muscle fibre to enhance physical capacity such as increasing musculotendinous stiffness and power. The main purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of Plyometrics Exercises on cardio-vascular Efficiency and playing ability of Inter University Badminton players. There was no significant difference found in vascular Efficiency and cricket playing ability control group.The significant effect observed in Experimental group on cardio-vascular Efficiency and Badminton playing ability, because of training schedule of players.In the post test of control and experimental group significant difference found in cardio-vascular Efficiency, High Serve Ability, Low Serve Ability, Fore Hand Smash Ability, Back Hand Smash Ability and Overall playing Ability. But insignificant in Clear or Lob Ability.
Dr. Anis Ahmed Khan. Effect of plyometrics exercises on cardio-vascular efficiency and playing ability of badminton players. J Sports Sci Nutr 2023;4(1):175-178. DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2023.v4.i1c.168