Exploring the coincidence anticipation timing among racket sports athletes
Exploring the coincidence anticipation timing among racket sports athletes
Author(s): Suchishrava Dubey, Prashant Kumar Choudhary and Dr. Bharat Verrma
Abstract: Objective: To compare the coincidence-anticipation time among different racquet sports. Methodology: A total of 30 male subjects were selected from badminton, tennis, and table tennis from Gwalior city, M.P.by using the purposive sampling technique. The age of the subjects ranged from 18 to 26 years and all were regular players with a good and sound level of skill. Coincidence- anticipation time was taken in this study as an I.V. (Independent Variable) and D.V. (Dependent Variable) were the players of all three sports respectively. The test was measured on the Bassin Anticipation Timer. Subjects were acknowledged about the test and its very functioning beforehand the test took place. All the subjects were given 5 initial trials before measuring the final best of two scores. The best score out of the two final trials was considered. The test was administered under the supervision of two research scholars and an expert to avoid the non-response error and to mitigate any confounding effects. Conclusion: From the evaluation of the test results on SPSS 25 by one-way analysis of variance and HSD Turkey for the post hoc test. It was found that male tennis players have shown a significant difference at a 0.05 level of significance.