Examining muscular endurance in different age categories of junior college boys from rural and urban environments
Examining muscular endurance in different age categories of junior college boys from rural and urban environments
Author(s): Dr. Hasmukhbhai Haribhai Patel
Abstract: The objective of the current study was to analyze muscular endurance disparities among junior college boys in different age categories, differentiating between rural and urban backgrounds. To achieve this research goal, a cohort of 300 junior college boys from both rural and urban areas in Narmada District, Gujarat, India, was randomly selected as study participants. The sample was divided into two groups: 150 rural junior boys, with 75 falling in the age range of 15 to 16 years and the other 75 aged between 16 to 17 years, and 150 urban junior boys, similarly distributed by age. Muscular endurance served as the criterion variable, while the groups were categorized as rural junior boys aged 15 to 16 years, rural junior boys aged 16 to 17 years, urban junior boys aged 15 to 16 years, and urban junior boys aged 16 to 17 years as independent variables. The data on muscular endurance in junior boys of different age categories, from both rural and urban settings, were collected using standardized test items, specifically pull-ups. These data were subjected to statistical analysis through a 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA. When the obtained 'F' ratio value for the interaction effect proved to be significant, subsequent simple effect tests were conducted as follow-up assessments.
DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2022.v3.i1b.211Pages: 142-144 | Views: 491 | Downloads: 170Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Hasmukhbhai Haribhai Patel.
Examining muscular endurance in different age categories of junior college boys from rural and urban environments. J Sports Sci Nutr 2022;3(1):142-144. DOI: