Effect of yogic exercises on physiological variable of engineering students of Gondwana University
Effect of yogic exercises on physiological variable of engineering students of Gondwana University
Author(s): Dr. Lemdeo B Nagalwade
Abstract: Today yoga and Meditation has become prime importance in the world. Everyone in this world wants to keep her healthy and strong. Yoga and Meditation are totally and completely interrelated with each other. During Meditation and Yoga it has seen that there is great improvement in Autonomous Nervous System Parameters like Heart Rate, Pulse Rate, Blood Pressure and Respiratory Rate. These parameters are very important for better Autonomous Nervous System functioning. So research scholar selected as effect of Savasana and Meditation on Autonomous Nervous System of Medical students. The was analyzed through Mean, Standard Deviation, Standard Error, Mean Difference and âtâ test method. The level of significant was set at 0.05 level of confidence. The finding of this study showed significant effect on Heart Rate, Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate and Blood Pressure.
Dr. Lemdeo B Nagalwade. Effect of yogic exercises on physiological variable of engineering students of Gondwana University. J Sports Sci Nutr 2021;2(2):59-61. DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2021.v2.i2a.138