Some solutions to improve the quality of teachers of physical education universities and colleges in Vietnam
Some solutions to improve the quality of teachers of physical education universities and colleges in Vietnam
Author(s): Phạm Đức Hậu and Phạm Phi Hùng
Abstract: Physical education is one of the country's comprehensive educational goals, within the national education system. Physical education is understood as: "The pedagogical process aims to educate and train the young generation, perfecting the physical and personality, improving the ability to work, and prolonging the human life span". The Physical Education Program for Universities and Colleges has clearly defined, physical education is the main subject of the education program to provide basic knowledge and motor skills for learners. through exercises and movement games, contributing to the realization of comprehensive educational goals for students. Physical education as well as other forms of education, is a pedagogical process with its full characteristics, playing the leading role of the teacher, which is used by the educators with teaching methods. Pedagogical principles to help students absorb the highest knowledge.
Phạm Đức Hậu, Phạm Phi Hùng. Some solutions to improve the quality of teachers of physical education universities and colleges in Vietnam. J Sports Sci Nutr 2021;2(1):15-18. DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2021.v2.i1a.29