Effect of plyometric and circuit training on selected muscular strength and explosive power among engineering college volleyball players
Effect of plyometric and circuit training on selected muscular strength and explosive power among engineering college volleyball players
Author(s): Nagamuni Bokkasam and Dr. I Lillypushpam
Abstract: The objective of the present study is to identify the Effect of Plyomeric and Circuit Training on Selected Muscular strength and Explosive power Among Engineering College Volleyball Players.Methodology: Twelve weeks of Circuit training was conducted constant-Explosive power procedure and constant-time procedure. Twelve weeks of Plyomeric training was conducted and ANCOVA statistical analyses has been used to analyse the performance and outcome of the men volley ball players and Scheffe’s post hoc test was used to find out the mean difference of confidence Circuit training and Plyomeric training. Result: The submaximal-performance effects on explosive power Significant is better than control group. These effects has been compared for muscular strength of Volleyball Players in the F-ratio at 0.05 level of confidence for 2 and 57 (df) =3.16, 2 and 56 (df) =3.16. Significant is better than control group.
Nagamuni Bokkasam, Dr. I Lillypushpam. Effect of plyometric and circuit training on selected muscular strength and explosive power among engineering college volleyball players. J Sports Sci Nutr 2020;1(2):32-36. DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2020.v1.i2a.17