Effect of suryanamaskar on selected physical fitness components among obese girls
Effect of suryanamaskar on selected physical fitness components among obese girls
Author(s): Yuvaraja KB, Dr. SK Manjunatha and T Viswanatha
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of suryanamaskar on selected physical fitness components among obese girls. To achieve the purpose of the present study, the girls in the age group of 15 to 17, totally 350 girls studying in schools from Government high school kote Chikkamagalur were selected as subjects, by using purposive sampling method. As the purpose of the present study was to study the impact of suryanamaskar on selected physical fitness components among obese school girls, initially the height and weight of girls were measured. Based on the height and weight, the body mass index was calculated. Based on the BMI of selected subjects (N= 350) the subjects on or above 25 were further screened and totally 79 students were found as obese girls. Thus the obese girls were selected as subjects finally for the present study. In the present study, pre-post randomized experiment design was adopted as it was considered as appropriate. For this, from the selected subjects (N = 79, BMI<25) 40 girls were randomly selected. The suryanamaskar group produced significant improvement in physical fitness components. The 't' values of the selected variables have reached the significant level. In the control group the obtained 't' value on all the variables were failed to reach the significant level. In comparing the effect of suryanamaskar group with control group on physical fitness components, from the obtained t-ratios, it was observed that suryanamaskar group showed better performance on increasing abdominal muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, cardio-respiratory endurance and decreasing in body weight.
DOI: 10.33545/27077012.2020.v1.i1a.170Pages: 55-56 | Views: 570 | Downloads: 249Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Yuvaraja KB, Dr. SK Manjunatha, T Viswanatha.
Effect of suryanamaskar on selected physical fitness components among obese girls. J Sports Sci Nutr 2020;1(1):55-56. DOI: